The Council of Academic Deans from Research Education Institutions (CADREI)
The purpose of CADREI shall be the identification and consideration of questions
focusing on the preparation of educators, research based education policy proposals and
recommendations, and professional development of deans or other chief administrative officers.
No funds of CADREI shall be used to support a political candidate.
Membership in CADREI may be voting or nonvoting. Voting members shall be
confined to those institutions designated as highest or higher research institutions according to
the Carnegie classification system. Schools or Colleges of Education that aspire to highest or
higher research status may apply to the Executive Committee for nonvoting, or affiliate, status.
Institutions accepted as affiliate members may participate in annual meetings, professional
development opportunities, subcommittees, etc. Affiliate members shall pay the same annual
dues as voting members. Only voting members of CADREI may serve in elected office on the
Executive Committee.
All members (voting and affiliate) will be subject to review in five-year intervals coinciding with
the 5-year updates to Carnegie classifications. An institution that loses its regional or national
accreditation after a period of probation shall be suspended from membership and must
demonstrate reaccreditation to regain active status. This provision shall not pertain to
institutions that choose to withdraw from accreditation.
The current chief administrative officer of the School, College or
Department of Education in each institution shall be the official representative from each
The Executive Committee shall serve as the planning committee for the meetings. The
Executive Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the membership the amount of
institutional dues. Any dues increase must be approved by a majority vote of members present
at CADREI business meeting.
The dates and sites of meetings for CADREI shall be determined by the
Executive Committee unless such dates and sites are otherwise specifically directed at a
business meeting.
There shall be five elected officers, each of whom shall be employed as Dean or
Associate Dean of their respective institution:
- President (two-year term)
- President-Elect (one-year term in alternate years)
- Past President (one-year term in alternate years)
- Secretary (three-year term)
- Treasurer (three-year term)
and an Executive Committee of eleven (11) members constituted as presented below: - Three (3) shall be the President, Secretary, and Treasurer
- Four (4) shall be elected at large, one of whom must be from an APLU institution
- One (1) shall be elected from the membership of the private Universities
- One (1) shall be President-Elect
- One (1) shall be elected from the membership of the minority-serving institutions
- The past president shall be ex-officio.
Committees shall be established and appointed by the Executive Committee.
Last Updated March 2, 2017