Welcome to Council of Academic Deans from Research Education Institutions
The Council of Academic Deans from Research Education Institutions (CADREI) is an assembly of deans of education from research and land grant institutions throughout North America. The purpose of this Council and its affiliates is the preparation of education personnel in all its phases and the discussion and formulation of plans, policies, and programs to make the member institutions of the Council more effective in their work. CADREI is a non-profit, apolitical organization.
Originally named the Association of Colleges and Schools of Education in State Universities and Land Grant Colleges and Affiliated Private Universities, the organization has grown to more than 150 members. One of the newest members, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, now extends the reach of CADREI to a North American status. A percentage of the organization’s members are also members of the AACTE, ACA, AERA, AILACTE, APA, the Coalition of Black Deans, CPED, Deans for Impact, LEARN, and UCEA. The Carnegie Corporation also designates nine CADREI member institutions as “Teachers for a New Era” (TNE) institutions.